Policies for children and the elderly people in the "aging" Chile and Uruguay

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 11

The article discusses the main approaches of social policy aimed at supporting, on the one hand, motherhood and childhood, on the other – people of retirement age in Chile and Uruguay, the goals, objectives and results of the main state programs. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the main demographic trends and the selection of priorities for a social strategy that focuses, in relation to children, not on narrow demographic solutions, but on the development of human potential, support for early childhood, overcoming social inequality and creating a comfortable infrastructure and "receiving" environment. For the elderly, the most urgent task is to create adequate pension systems, as well as to extend the period of professional and life activity of pensioners, and to focus on investments in the quality of human capital at all stages of life. With a focus on European countries, Chile and Uruguay are at the very beginning of forming appropriate public policies, but choosing the most socially-oriented option for the benefit of the entire society can lead to more effective economic development, even in adverse demographic conditions.

KeywordsChile, Uruguay, social policy, demographic processes, aging, birth rate, pension systems, human capital
Publication date30.10.2020
Number of characters37094
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