The impact of anarcho-syndicalist ideas on the Tupamaros National Liberation Movement (1962—1973)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 7

Since the beginning of the 20th century anarcho-syndicalism have had a marked influence on the trade unions and public organizations of Uruguay. In the 1960s in Montevideo had emerged Tupamaros National Liberation Movement that undertook urban guerrilla warfare against the government. The Movement was ideologically heterogeneous. It brought together representatives of various left-wing groups and had numerous contacts with anarchists. This article is the first attempt in the Russian historiography that analyses the influence of the anarcho-syndicalist ideas on the Tupamaros National Liberation Movement (1962—1973). The author investigates the features of the anarcho-syndicalism that affected the theory and practice of Tupamaros and covers an interaction between participant of the Movement and representatives of the Uruguayan anarchism.

KeywordsUruguay, Tupamaros, anarcho-syndicalism, revolutionary syndicalism, Uruguayan Anarchist Federation, José Mujica, Raúl Sendic
Publication date26.06.2020
Number of characters27688
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