The Geostrategic Relationship between Russia and China in Terms of the Prospects of Genesis of a Union of the New Type

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher, Center for Scientific Information and Documentation
Affiliation: Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 6

The study summarizes some particularities of the geostrategic relationship of Russia and China in the beginning of the present century and their prospects in the plan of the conditionally possible genesis of the planetary international union of the new type for the joint survival and the sustainable optimum development of humanity on the basis of the inter-patriotic ideology of true good. The necessity is stressed for the science and diplomacy of Russia to “cease the initiative” from China’s side in the matters of genesis of the new optimum world order.

KeywordsRussia and China, the Russian-Chinese geostrategic relationship, planetary international union of the new type, the advanced geocenters, ideology of true good
Publication date15.12.2020
Number of characters39057
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Additional sources and materials

The article was prepared in the initial co-authorship with and im memorium to the author’s parents — professors Katenariy A. Merkulov (1924–1999) and Eleonora A. Merkulova (1933–2017).

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