Left regimes in Bolivia and Ecuador: ten differences

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 11

The article analyzes and compares the main characteristics of the modern left regimes in Bolivia and Ecuador. The differences between the models of development of these States under the control of the left governments in the political, economic, legislative and social spheres in order to identify the potential of stability and possible transformations of regimes are shown. It studies the key points of differences and national peculiarities of the regimes in terms of election procedures, party systems, relations between government and opposition or government and business, political and social polarization, position of media, economic indicators, foreign policy, etc. Factors of stabilization are considered in positive macroeconomic dynamics, broad social agenda of public expenditure and expansion of mechanisms of direct and representative democracy. Risks of social tension are caused by political factors and are associated with the transformation of electoral base of the ruling parties, as well as the protest activities of social and political movements. A certain threat is posed by problems in the economy. However, despite the similarity of models implemented for more than a decade, the identified distinctions can impact on the future of the left-wing projects in these countries.

KeywordsBolivia, Ecuador, left regimes, domestic policy, economy
Publication date21.10.2019
Number of characters23266
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