Latin America in the new millennium. Social panorama and dynamics of politi-cal processes (1)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Рrofessor, head of the Center of Political Studies (ILA RAS)
Institute for Latin American studies, RAS
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssuу 7

The first part of the article examines the current social situation in Latin America. The author analyzes data on GDP per capita, poverty level and social polarization, human development index, violence level and corruption perception index. The second part of the article summarizes the results of the last and the beginning of the current electoral cycle in individual countries. On their basis, the causes, consequences and prospects of the “right turn” and political polarization in the region are revealed. The author comes to the conclusion that, at present, it is no longer possible to characterize the continent as a unity in diversity, neither in a social nor in a political context.

KeywordsLatin America, social situation, poverty, social polarization, violence, corruption, elections, political processes, right turn
Publication date09.07.2019
Number of characters17110
100 rub.
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