S. Piñera’s foreign policy in Latin America

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Posgraduate Student
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 5

The article analyzes the course of Chile’s foreign policy in the Latin American region during the presidency of S. Piniera. An assessment of his first mandate and the current period of the country's leadership is given, and the state and main directions of modern foreign policy are examined. It considers the general and the particular in development programs, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of various actions in the context of foreign policy development. The author comes to the conclusion that the first period of S. Piniera’s mandate was not as effective as planned, but at the same time, as a key moment in foreign policy development, participation in the Pacific Alliance could be identified. In the framework of the current foreign policy development strategy, the activities of the renewed leadership will more likely be focused on the successes of the past and the augmentation of what has already been achieved. The emphasis in foreign policy will remain on regional cooperation and focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

KeywordsChile, Pinera, foreign policy, Pacific Alliance, Latin American integration
Publication date26.04.2019
Number of characters34482
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