Relations of Russia and Uruguay in the 21st century: limits and possibilities of development

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Researcher
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 4

Latin America in the current century has become one of the strategic directions of Russian foreign policy. The conditions in which Russia is on the world stage, in particular, the cooling of relations with the West, force Moscow to look for new partners and form new vectors of its foreign policy. On the other hand, the crisis phenomena in the processes of regional integration in Latin America are pushing the Uruguay government to intensify relations with non-regional actors, entering nontraditional markets for the country. Russia has become one of the areas of Montevideo foreign policy. This article shows the main stages of development of Russian-Uruguayan relations in the 21st century, analyzes the most important areas of interaction, and defines the limits of trade and economic cooperation.

Keywordsforeign policy, Uruguay, Russia, Broad Front, Russian-Uruguayan relations
Publication date28.03.2019
Number of characters30289
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