Non-patentability in European law of bio-inventions contrary to public order and morality, protection of life and health

Publication type Article
Status Approved
Occupation: director
Affiliation: The Institute of comprehensive legal studies and scientific research
Address: Russian Federation,

In the context of the intensive development of biotechnologies and their spread in various fields, there is an increasing need to specify and take into account the principles of bioethics to regulate various legal relations. This issue is global and is reflected in many international agreements and provisions of foreign legislation. However, despite the increased attention to this topic, the aspects of taking into account the principles of bioethics in patent law relations have not been sufficiently studied. For example, the inadmissibility of using legal protection mechanisms in relation to the results of intellectual activity that contradict public order and morality, the protection of life and health, is quite often either declarative in nature, or is overly widely interpreted in practice.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the specifics of European legislation on the consideration of the principles of bioethics in patent relations, followed by a comparative analysis.

A wide range of general scientific and special methods of cognition were used in the research process. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of foreign normative acts in the field under study was carried out with the specification and systematization of the legal instruments under study.

The legal structure specified in the TRIPS Agreement, which enshrines the principle of inadmissibility of patenting inventions, the commercial use of which must be prevented for the protection of public order or morality, including the protection of life or health, is considered. It is reflected in most national legal systems, including in our country in the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but each of the systems has its own characteristics. This design has been most developed, in particular, taking into account a number of new principles of bioethics, in European legislation. The article analyzes the European agreements on bioethics related to patenting inventions, as well as the peculiarities in the studied part of the patent law of France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of these documents, proposals have been developed to improve Russian patent legislation.

Keywordspatents, results of intellectual activity, non-patentability, non-patentability, principles of bioethics, patent law of the European Union, patent law of France, patent law of Great Britain, patent law of Germany, patent law of Italy.
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