International criminal justice and the culture

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: associate professor
Affiliation: NRU 'Higher School of Economy"
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameJournal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

The article analyzes the main points of contact between international criminal justice and culture as a form of human activity. The unique nature of this procedural form is emphasized, in which lawyers from different countries of the world take part, having traveled a different path and having different historical experiences. The author comes to the conclusion that basically judicial proceedings in international criminal courts and tribunals seek to combine the features of two main models of criminal proceedings - Anglo-American and continental. And while the activities of ad hoc international criminal tribunals, especially in the early years, were dominated by Anglo-American models, the legal status of a permanent International Criminal Court was largely influenced by continental influences.

The purpose of the study is to understand whether the functioning of the relevant institutions of international criminal justice is carried out in an adequate cultural context.

As part of the research, the dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of systematicity, determinism, modeling, analysis and synthesis, as well as special legal methods - comparative legal, historical legal and others - were used.

Based on the results of a comparative legal analysis, it is concluded that if international criminal justice is based on the principles of professional justice, an “active judge”, and imposing the responsibility of establishing the truth on the prosecutor, then the infrastructure of the continental process is more consistent with all these goals. The author focuses on the need to take into account the national and cultural specifics of the corresponding society in which mass crimes occurred. Particular attention is paid to the dominance of the English language, which is positioned as the lingua franca of modern international lawyers, but is often difficult for accused and witnesses from French-speaking African countries.

Keywordsinternational criminal justice, judicial activism, continental model, Anglo-Saxon model, national and cultural peculiarities.
Publication date04.03.2024
100 rub.
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