Mistakes of Facts and Its Effect to Negate the State of Mind Requirement

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associated Professor of the Department of Criminal Law
Affiliation: Institute of International Law and Justice of Moscow State Linguistic University
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameJournal of Russian Law

Mistakes arise when a criminal defendant misunderstood some fact that negates an element of the crime or misunderstood or was ignorant of the law. The usual rule is that the simple belief that a certain conduct is not punishable should not be a defense (ignorantia juris nocet). But in some cases, a mistake can really seriously change the subjective element of the crime. If a criminal defendant argues that the criminal act that occurred was a result of a mistake of facts regarding the circumstances of the crime, then his words should not be thoughtlessly rejected. Reasonably and honestly believed must refuted, because it is an essential part of the principle of guilt. Reasonable refutation is inextricably linked with the development of the doctrine of mistake of fact defense in criminal cases.

The aim of the study is to analyze mistakes of facts as defenses due to a change in the mental element.

The research is based on a comprehensive analysis of criminal legislation, judicial practice and the concepts of mistakes. The study also uses such research methods as system-structural and formal-logical.

The study proposes the classification of mistakes of facts or law, which is based on the cause of a defendant's delusion and the possibility of avoiding it. The following stand out: unreasonably references to a mistakes of facts, which testify to an indirect intent; mistakes of facts, which allowed as full defenses to criminal conduct. It is taken into account that the needs of the criminal justice authorities lead to the simplification of many rules, so the emphasis is on the casual description of specific models of criminal behavior.

Keywordslegitimately mistaken; mistake of fact; mens rea; intent; criminal defenses; presumption
Publication date13.12.2023
100 rub.
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