Classification of force majeure circumstances in civil law in the digital society period

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Postgraduate student
Affiliation: The Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Goverment of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameJournal of Russian Law

The problem set in the present research, has been studied little, although, seems, it could, with proper and comprehensive consideration, bring not only theoretical, but also practical benefits. Thus, the issue of classifying circumstances that exclude liability in civil circulation remains practically unexplored. Although, given the transition of humankind into the era of the information society, the expansion of its capabilities, this can not only be done, but must. Thus, human has already learned to subjugate some natural phenomena and had a direct impact on them, as a result, many natural events today have become foreseen and predicted. However, in practice, difficulties arise: in the absence of a clear definition of the concept of "insurmountable force," as well as a harmonious classification picture, it is not possible to formulate a clause on circumstances that exclude liability in a proper way and avoid forced violation of the existing legislation.

The purpose of this research is an attempt to consider the issue of classification of force majeure circumstances, as well as to develop own classification of force majeure circumstances. The main objectives of this research are to consider the classifications of force majeure circumstances developed in civil jurisprudence.

In the course of this research, the author used the methods of analogy, concretization, comparison, analysis, observation.

This research prompted the following conclusions: the issue of classifying superior force does not seem to have a paramount importance for civil law, however, it seems that the development of this issue in practice could facilitate the formation of a superior force clause in contractual obligations, and, as a result, might simplify legal proceedings in the field of circumstances precluding liability and also assist in the development of a legal definition of superior force.

Keywordsforce majeure, force majeure circumstances, civil law, digitalization, classification, digital society.
Publication date13.12.2023
100 rub.
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