Legal protection of geodiversity

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Chair of Ecological, Labor and Civil Procedure Law
Affiliation: Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Address: Kazan, 18 Kremlyovskaya street Kazan 420008, Russian Federation
Journal nameJournal of Russian Law

the article studies the legal protection of geodiversity (a set of non-wildlife objects), which is carried out within the legal regime of specially protected natural territories, the legal regime of historical and cultural monuments, as well as the legal protection of the habitat of animals. The necessity of including the state nature reserves in the list of specially protected natural territories around which conservation zones are established has been substantiated. The absence or later establishment of protective zones at many natural monuments of regional importance (including natural monuments of regional significance in the composition of the geopark), which according to the legislation in force protected areas should be established, recommendations to amend the legislation. The article shows impossibility of creation of geopark in the territory where there are exclusively objects of archaeological heritage with geological significance, their ensemble without inclusion in the geopark of specially protected natural territories of geological and other profile. Legal protection of the speleofauna habitat has been proven to be an element of the legal protection of geodiversity. In order to preserve the excursion caves, it is proposed to normalize the duration of artificial lighting from stationary sources located therein.

Keywordsgeodiversity, specially protected natural territory, conservation zone, state natural reserve, nature monument, geopark, archaeological heritage objects, protection area of cultural heritage objects, habitat, animals, cave
Publication date09.01.2024
100 rub.
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