Tatiana A. Polyakova

Doctor of Law, associate Professor

Chief Research Fellow, Acting Head of the Information Law and International Information Security sector, Institute of State and Law

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences


By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Overview of the international scientific-practical conference “information space: ensuring information security and law” – the first Bachilov readings (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Formation of the Information Law system as a scientific direction: develop-ment stages and prospects (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
New vectors of Information Law development in the context of civilizational crisis and digital transformation (Gosudarstvo i pravo) 5.0
The concept and legal nature of digital maturity (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Development of the science of Information Law and legal provision of information security: formation of the scientific school of Information Law (past and future) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Definition of artificial intelligence in the context of the Russian legal system: a critical approach (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal regulation of quantum communications in Russia and in the world (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The main trends and problems of the development of the science of Information Law (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Trust in the law during the digital transformation (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Formation of a culture of information security of citizens of the Russian Federation in the face of new challenges: public law problems (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Development of the doctrine of Russian Information Law in the context of the transition to a data economy (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
International information security: universal legal dimension (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -