Georgy Filatov

Ph.D. in History

Research Fellow of the Institute of World History


history of Spain in the 19th – 21st centuries, features of francoism in European history

By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia: Separatist Tendencies in the Beginning of the 21st Century (Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia) -
The Social Policy of the New State in Portugal 1933—1974 (ISTORIYA) -
The Idea of Superiority in the Colonial Discourse of the First Francoism (1939–1959) in No-Do Newsreels (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
The idea of superiority in the ideology of Catalan nationalists. Late XIX — early XX centuries (Latin America) -
Splits in the Spanish Communist Party during the Second Francoism (View from Moscow) (ISTORIYA) -
Catalonia and Regional Self-Government in the First Quarter of the 20th Century (ISTORIYA) -
António Salazar and the Economy of Portugal (1928—1959) (ISTORIYA) -
Pages of Colombian History (History of Colombia from Ancient Times to the Beginning of the 21st Century / eds А.А. Schelchkov, Z.V. Iwanowsky. Moscow, 2022) (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
Catalan Nationalism and the Establishment of the Dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera (ISTORIYA) -
Soviet-Spanish Negotiations on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations in the 1960s (ISTORIYA) -
Conflicts between the Catholic Church and Salazar's “New State” 1958—1968 (Latin America) -
Revolutionary Struggle Against Salazar: Santa Maria Hijacking in 1961 (ISTORIYA) -
The Response of Salazar's Portugal to the Challenges of the Colonial War (1961—1968) (ISTORIYA) -
Soviet-Spanish Trade during the Spanish Civil War (ISTORIYA) -