The idea of superiority in the ideology of Catalan nationalists. Late XIX — early XX centuries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 1

The article examines the problems of the emergence of the ideology of Catalanism in the late 19th - early 20th centuries and the role of the idea of superiority in it. At that time, Spain was going through a period of political instability, and Madrid's inability to bring the country out of the crisis led to the search for alternative strategies. One of the ways was suggested by Catalan intellectuals, who observed the active economic development of their region against the background of a general Spanish decline. At the same time, a cultural revival took place in Catalonia, associated with an interest in the regional language. The combination of these two tendencies led to the emergence of the ideology of Catalanism, which was based on the idea of the superiority of Catalonia over Castile. With its help, the demands were substantiated to equalize the regional language and culture in rights with the Castilian ones. This call sounded most clearly in the work of the founder of the ideology of Catalanism Valenti Almirall. Over time, the idea of superiority formed the basis of Catalonia's claims to dominance in Spanish life, which was reflected in the writings of the prominent ideologist of Catalanism Prata de la Riba.

Keywordssuperiority, Spain, Catalonia, catalanism, nationalism, Almiralla, Prat de la Riba
Publication date14.01.2021
Number of characters34765
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