Sergey Kostelyanets

Ph.D. in Political Studies

Senoir Research Fellow, Head of the Department for Sociological and Political Science Studies of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Senior Research Fellow at the Higher School of Economics


conflictology, armed conflicts in Africa, economy and politics of Sudan

By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Russia and the global competition for Africa: the military dimension (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
The Central African Republic: Conflict Dynamics (Asia and Africa Today) -
The European Union, China and Africa: Trilateral Security Cooperation (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
Russia-Sudan Relations in the Early 21st Century: A Lost Opportunity or the Foundation for a New Beginning? (Asia and Africa Today) -
Tourism on the African Continent: Opportunities and Risks (Asia and Africa Today) -
The European Union, China and Africa: cooperation in the field of international development assistance (Problems and Perspectives) (Asia and Africa Today) -
Guinea-Bissau: political leadership and electoral processes (Asia and Africa Today) -
Togo: the Gnassingbé dynasty and the 2020 presidential election (Asia and Africa Today) -
COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria: challenges and forecasts (Asia and Africa Today) -
Russia's Peace Mediation in Africa: an Assessment (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
Benin: political metamorphoses (on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of independence) (Asia and Africa Today) -
African migrations and diasporas: a view through space and time (Asia and Africa Today) -
The 2020 presidential election and the political situation in Ghana (Asia and Africa Today) -
The 2021 presidential election and the political situation in Uganda (Asia and Africa Today) -
Biafra: the Revival and Proliferation of Separatism (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
Cameroon: the radicalization of Islam and the expansion of Boko Haram (Asia and Africa Today) -
Tanzania: Political Development in the Context of Julius Nyerere's Legacy (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
South Sudan: Consequences of the secession (Asia and Africa Today) -
Sudan after Omar al-Bashir: A territory of instability (Asia and Africa Today) -
Africa in the 21st Century: New Insights into the Problem of Security (Asia and Africa Today) -
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: the Rise of Islamic Radicalism (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
Neocolonialism as a Driver of Radicalization of Islam in Tropical African Countries (ISTORIYA) -
Russia’s Planned Naval Logistics Base on the Red Sea: Regional Security Implications (Asia and Africa Today) -
Nigeria’s 2023 Election: A Change in Political Leadership (Asia and Africa Today) -
Privatization of Security: PMCs as an Instrument of American and British Policy in Africa (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
Russia’s Reaction to the Colonial Division of Africa (Based on Materials From Russian Periodicals of the Late 19th Century) (ISTORIYA) -