Alexander Petrov

Professor of History

Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World History RAS. Professor of the State Academic University for the Humanities


history of Russian America, history of the Russian-American company, history of California and the Western United States

By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Left beyond the Sea: The Russian inhabitants after Alaska was ceded to the USA in 1867 (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
Russian America: the Region of the Russian-American Cooperation (ISTORIYA) -
Russian Historical and Сultural Heritage on the Aleutian Islands in the Context of the History of Russian America (ISTORIYA) -
Discovery of America: First and Second Expeditions of Vitus Bering (a Comparative Analysis) (ISTORIYA) -
The Problem of Isolationism in Russian America: for the 200th Anniversary of the Formation of the Russian Border in the North Pacific (Distinctive Features of the Charter of the Russian-American Company of 1821) (ISTORIYA) -
Documents in Domestic and Foreign Archives on the Development of the Pacific North in the Petrine Era (ISTORIYA) -
The End of Japan's isolation. Expeditions of M.K. Perry and E.V. Putyatin in the Context of the Struggle for Colonies in the North Pacific in the Middle of the 19th Century (Problemy Dalnego Vostoka) -
Marine expeditions to Alta California in the context of great powers rivalry in the first half of the XIX-th century (Latin America) -
The Struggle for Oregon in the Last Third of the Eighteenth – First Quarter of the Nineteenth Century (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
Aggravation of the Colonial Struggle in the Pacific Ocean in 1760—1770s (ISTORIYA) -
Cotton Trade in the Establishment of Russian-American Relations (1765—1815) (ISTORIYA) -
Completion of the Great Powers’ Struggle for Oregon in the Middle 40s of the 19th Century (ISTORIYA) -