Le Moniteur universel newspaper about the French conquest of Southern Italy in 1799

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Lecturer; Senior Researcher
State Academic University for the Humanities
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The French conquest of Southern Italy and the establishment of the Parthenopean Republic in 1799 is one of the most dramatic episodes of the Revolutionary Wars of Republican France, since in words that campaign was carried out in the name of "liberating" the Neapolitan people from royal oppression, but in practice resulted in a war against this very people. The author of the article, analyzing the reports of the daily newspaper Le Moniteur universel, shows how the campaign to capture Southern Italy was interpreted in the official discourse of the French Republic. Considering which subjects were reflected on the pages of this publication – the conquest of Naples, the attempts of the French to gain the trust of local residents, the exposure of anti–republican conspiracies, the fight against the insurgency, etc. – the author shows how these events were presented to the general French public and how the tone in their coverage changed as the national anti-revolutionary movement developed in Southern Italy.

KeywordsFrench Revolution, popular anti-revolution, Southern Italy, Neapolitan Republic 1799, Cardinal Ruffo
AcknowledgmentThe study is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation, project № 23–18–00011 “Popular Anti-Revolution in Mediterranean 1792–1814”.
Publication date31.07.2024
Number of characters42992
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