“To Take... Measures to Lay the Foundation for the Solid Development of this Branch of Economy in the Turkestan Region as Soon as Possible”: the First Stage of Implementation and Development of Cotton Growing in Turkestan (the 1860s — Beginning of 1880s)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Address: Repulik of Uzbekistan, Chirchik
Journal nameISTORIYA

The history of development of cotton growing in Central Asia has been devoted quit a lot researches. However, the very first stage of cotton growing development in the region, started in the first half of the 60s and ended in the first quarter of the 80s of the 19th century, is studied very little in these works. Usually it is limited to the statement that there have been made such attempts and that they have been generally unsuccessful and yielded insignificant results. At the same time, in the literature with the exception of publications chronologically referring to this period itself, very few details have been promulgated about the efforts and measures undertaken by the authorities and private individuals to the development of cotton growing in Central Asia, in increasing cotton yields, improving the quality of cotton fibre and introducing American cotton varieties. First of all basing on archival documents the article will shed the light on the views of the central Russian authorities, Turkestan administration, merchants and other interested sides on the development of cotton growing. There will be considered the main measures initiated both by the imperial authorities and primarily by the Turkestan administration. A special role in promoting the cotton project belonged to the first Turkestan’s general-governor K. P. von Kaufman, that will also be shown and illustrated by documents. For more clarity, the article quotes from the documents to give more opportunity to speak to the participants of measures of cotton growing development and officials themselves, which will better demonstrate their views on the problem. All these are little-known pages in the history of the region. The use of new archival materials has allowed in many ways to look differently at the activities carried out by the Russian authorities in Central Asia in the period of the first half of the 1860s — first quarter of the 1880s.

KeywordsTurkestan, Russian Empire, K. P. von Kaufman, M. I. Brodovsky, V. V. Samolevsky, cotton growing, American cotton, agriculture, trade, cotton farm
Publication date31.05.2024
Number of characters29349
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