Individualization of Legal Objects by the Example of Goods: A Historical Digression

Publication type Article
Status Published
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The purpose of this article is to study the legal mechanisms of individualization of goods, which make it possible to specify the standards for granting protection to trademarks as means of individualization of goods (services), mainly in the historical aspect. The goods sold in civil circulation are generally homogeneous, due to the similarity of the urgent needs existing in society. Therefore, manufacturers (sellers) want to stand out from competitors by individualizing their products (services) in order to attract visitors, consumers and be remembered by them, thereby creating competitive advantages for themselves and for their business.

Keywordsmeans of individualization of goods (services), trademarks, functions of trademarks, types of trademarks, generally known trademarks, registration models, convention priority, exhibition priority, intersection of legal regimes of works and trademarks, international trademark registration, national office
Publication date15.06.2024
Number of characters40809
100 rub.
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