The Franco-Russian Alliance of 1891—1893 through the Prism of the British Policy of “Brilliant Isolation” in the Mid-1890s (Based on the Materials of the English Periodicals)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Turgenev Orel State University
Address: Russian Federation, Orel
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article analyzes the reaction of the British public to the formation of the Franco-Russian Union in 1893 in the early years of its existence. The novelty of the proposed material is determined by the fact that the issues of public response to the rapprochement of France and Russia in British society have not yet been studied in depth. The source base was magazine publications of the mid-1890s. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the formation of this union put on the agenda the question of the expediency of the UK’s policy of “brilliant isolation”, which was widely discussed on the pages of magazines. And although the United Kingdom did not radically change its foreign policy course during the period under review, the question of an ally remained open.

KeywordsGreat Britain, Germany, Russia, France, alliance, periodicals, policy of “brilliant isolation”, ally, Asia, Balkan
Publication date31.05.2024
Number of characters47654
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