“The Struggle Against Political Revisionism Will Not Be Completed Until... Philosophical Revisionism is Defeated”: Criticism by Soviet Philosophers of the Yugoslav Version of Marxism in the Journals “Problems of Philosophy” and “Bolshevik” / “Communist”

Publication type Article
Status Published
Ural Federal University
Ural Institute for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

The articles of the journals “Problems of Philosophy” and “Bolshevik” / “Communist” published in 1949—1968 which focused on the Yugoslav version of Marxism are considered in this work. The author identifies periods of growing interest in this topic among Soviet Marxists and connects them with the dynamics of relations between socialist Yugoslavia and the USSR. The analysis of the articles made it possible to identify three areas of divergence between the views of Soviet and Yugoslav Marxists. These were theoretical questions of Marxism, problems of political economy and economic development in general, and an assessment of the state of international relations. However, within the framework of these common problems, the authors of the journal Questions of Philosophy and the journal “Bolshevik” / “Communist” focused on different aspects of these problems. Nevertheless, the authors of both journals came to the same conclusion that the ideology of Yugoslavia is not Marxism.

KeywordsMarxism, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), USSR, “Questions of Philosophy”, “Bolshevik”, “Communist”
Publication date25.03.2024
Number of characters29744
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