The Problem of Legal Acculturation of the Kazakh People's Court of the Early 20th Century in the Assessment of the Orenburg Lawyer and Public Figure L. A. Slovohotov

Publication type Article
Status Published
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Tyumen State University
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg
Affiliation: Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article analyzes the contribution of a prominent public and judicial figure of Orenburg Leonid Alexandrovich Slovohotov to the social and scientific discussion about the possibilities of using traditional institutions of justice in the all-imperial system of government and court, which unfolded in the late 19th — early 20th century. The views of L. A. Slovohotov concerning the people's court of the Kazakh people are analyzed. The absentee dispute between L. A. Slovohotov, on the one hand, and N. Dingilstedt, N. Maximov, I. I. Kraft and A. I. Dobrosmyslov, on the other hand, is shown. It is concluded that, according to L. A. Slovohotov, not the eradication of traditional forms of justice and legal consciousness was the main way of further integration of the Kazakh society into the all-Russian socio-cultural field, but the need for legal acculturation of the Kazakh people's court of the early 20th century through its inclusion in the all-imperial system of justice.

Keywordsacculturation, imperial acculturation policy, justice, integration of the periphery, people's court, Kazakhs
AcknowledgmentThe study was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-18-00268, the project “Justice in the system of security and integration processes of the peripheral regions of the Russian Empire (18th — early 20th century)”, realized on the basis of Tyumen State University.
Publication date31.01.2024
Number of characters25785
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