Formation of the Image of Japan in Soviet Russia in the Early 1920s on the Pages of the Newspaper “Soviet Siberia”

Publication type Article
Status Published
Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Siberian Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow; Krasnoyarsk
Journal nameISTORIYA

The research of mutual representations of countries and nations is currently one of the most relevant areas of historical research. The important subject that is actively being studied in the modern historical science is the idea of each other formed both by the Japanese and Russians. In this article the author attempts to consider one of the aspects of this large-scale issue, namely the process of forming the image of Japan in Soviet Russia in the early 1920s, using as an example the newspaper “Soviet Siberia”. The study concludes that the image of Japan on the newspaper pages was influenced by the state of bilateral relations between the two countries and based on two main postulates: Japan as an aggressor and Japan as a trade and economic partner.

KeywordsJapan, Soviet-Japanese relations, image of Japan, the newspaper “Soviet Siberia”, historic memory
AcknowledgmentThe research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian science Foundation (grant no.19-18-00017 “Problems of the historical past in Japan's relations with East Asian countries and Russia. Lesson for Russia”).
Publication date14.12.2020
Number of characters27651
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