Russia in the Struggle for a Place in the World Scientific Space

Publication type Article
Status Published
Moscow State Linguistic University
Dobrolyubov Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow; Nizhny Novgorod
Journal nameISTORIYA

Russia's entry into the world scientific space is distinguished by its originality. The formation of science in Russia as an independent social institution began later than in many European countries. The development of science in our country was initially initiated by the authorities. In a number of areas, Russian science has reached the leading positions in the world. Currently, the development of Russian science is difficult for a number of reasons. One of the factors hindering its development is the politicization of international scientific cooperation, the creation of barriers by Western countries, starting from March 2022. The way out of this situation is seen in strengthening scientific cooperation and cooperation between Russia and countries that adhere to a constructive and unbiased approach.

KeywordsScience, Russia, science community, guidelines for the development of science, international scientific cooperation, scientific competition, global confrontation, politicization of science
AcknowledgmentThe research was supported by government in the FSBEI HE MSLU (project No FSFU-2020-0020).
Publication date14.12.2023
Number of characters58777
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