The 1969 Strike in Curacao (“Trinta di Mei”): a Riot in Paradise

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article examines the events of 1969 in Curacao, known as “Trinta di Mei” (“30th May”). “Thirtieth of May”. In the 20th century strikes repeatedly occurred on this “paradise island,” which escalated into mass unrest, accompanied by acts of violence. Among them, a special place is occupied by the “Trinta di Mei” in Willemstad, the capital of Curacao and all the Netherlands Antilles, in late May — early June 1969. A brief overview of these events and their assessment in the media and scholarly literature is presented. Close attention is paid to terminology, as well as the interpretation of “Trinta di Mei” in the Soviet media and a small number of scholarly publications. The possible reasons for the lack of an official reaction of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to the social conflict in Curacao are also discussed.

KeywordsCuraçao, “Trinta di Mei”, trade unions, media, Soviet Union
AcknowledgmentThe study is funded by the Russian Science Foundation, grant № 19-18-00305, “The Comintern in Latin America: historical traditions and political processes”.
Publication date26.10.2023
Number of characters53434
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