Russia and The Scandinavian-Baltic Region: Countries and Peoples in a Changing World. 19—20th

Publication type Review
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The study of the history of small countries is one of the research activities of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It has its own specific features and fits into the general outline of the global historical process. On November 17—18, 2022, the International Scientific Conference “Russia and the Scandinavian-Baltic Region: Countries and Peoples in a Changing World. 19—20th centuries”, organized by the Centre for the History of Northern Europe and the Baltic States and the Department of International Scientific Cooperation of the Institute. The conference was attended by researchers from leading research centres of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad, Voronezh and Tromsø. During the work of the four sessions contributors discussed such questions as the problems of international relations of the second half of the 20th century, the features of trade and economic cooperation in the region and certain aspects of the history of the two world wars, interethnic communication and the mechanisms of formation of the image of the other.

KeywordsScandinavian-Baltic region, Northern Europe, Baltics, international relations, World War I, World War II, collaborationism, bipolar system, Cold War, European integration, Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, regional integration
Publication date15.12.2022
Number of characters45767
100 rub.
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