Acts of Hermagoras and Fortunatus: a Legend of Carolingian Times or an Early Christian Tradition?

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article regards the Acts of holy martyrs Hermagoras and Fortunate both in the context of Christian Aquileia and in the broader frames of the early Christianity in the West. The author proposes an earlier dating (from 6th — 8th century to the first half of the V century). The author sets a hypothesis, according to which an earlier Аnte- Nicean text (of the 3rd — 4th century) could be in the base of the present life of St. Hermagoras, which could be composed in the first half of the fifth century. We can carefully determine continuity of veneration of St. Hermagoras and Fortunatus from Carolingian to ante-Nicean times, concretely — to the end of the III century and the apostolic tradition of Aquileian patriarchate, ascending to the “Prince of the Apostles” and to St. Mark, whose image may witness about spiritual links of Aquileia with the Alexandrine see. The article is followed by the translation of martyr acts of St. Hermagoras and Fortunatus and those of St. Felix and Fortunatus.

KeywordsChristianity, martyrdom, bishop, Apostle, Archdeacon, life of a saint (Vita), martyrologium, veneration of saints, liturgy, miracles
Publication date17.10.2022
Number of characters64708
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