“Act Quickly and Correctly, in the Austrian Way”: Delivering Compensation from Austria to the USSR, 1955—1963

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Ural Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

This article examines the delivery of Austrian compensation and oil to the USSR from the signing of the relevant treaty on 15 May 1955 to 1963. The article's aim is to analyse the formation of bilateral economic relations between the Soviet Union and Austria during the post-war socioeconomic and political transformations of European space. The course and mechanisms of compensation delivery are analysed, as is their meaning in Soviet and Austrian perceptions. It is concluded that the personal diplomacy of Austrian and Soviet politicians was important in the formation of friendly relations between the two countries, which came into being despite the stark confrontation between the blocs during the Cold War.

KeywordsAustria, USSR, N. S. Khrushchev, J. Raab, B. Kreisky, A. Schärf, compensation deliveries 1955—1963
AcknowledgmentThe reported study was funded by RFBR and FWF according to the research project №21-59-14006.
Publication date30.04.2022
Number of characters70930
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