Features of Formation and Coronization of the State Apparatus in the Context of National Construction in the Northern Caucasus in 1920s — 1930s

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Southern Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don
Affiliation: Archive Service of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania
Address: Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article examines the features of the policy of the indigenization of the state apparatus in the national autonomies of the North Caucasus in the 1920s — 1930s. Based on the analysis of the achievements of modern historiography, as well as a wide range of archival documents, the main tasks, directions and stages of the indigenization of state authorities are highlighted. The emphasis is on studying the specifics of the indigenization of the lower Soviet apparatus — village councils and aul councils, which were considered as the basis of Soviet power in the North Caucasus. The article substantiates the position that the process of Soviet construction and the indigenization of the lower Soviet authorities in the mountain autonomies had an identical character. It is emphasized that the indigenous policy was of an applied nature and was the most important component of the state strategy of nation-building in the region. Its essence consisted in the promotion of national personnel to managerial and technical positions in the state apparatus and the translation of office work into national languages. It is noted that the process of indigenization proceeded unevenly, had different dynamics and faced a number of difficulties due to local cultural, social and everyday characteristics. It is shown that in the 1920s. the indigenization of the state apparatus had a political implication and was aimed at ensuring the loyalty of the peoples of the North Caucasus to the Soviet regime. In the 1930s. the policy of indigenization acquires a pronounced class character, which leads to a decrease in its dynamics and a gradual curtailment.

KeywordsNorth Caucasus, indigenization, nation building, national autonomies, Soviet apparatus, village soviets
Publication date15.11.2021
Number of characters39042
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Additional sources and materials

  1. GANI RSO-Alaniya. F. 1. Op. 1. D. 21, 247, 632, 670, 776.
  2. GARO. F. R-3758. Op. 1. D. 471.
  3. GARF. F. R-1235. Op. 119. D. 2.
  4. GARF. F. R-1235. Op. 125. D. 118.
  5. RGASPI. F. 65. Op. 1. D. 148.
  6. TsGA RSO-Alaniya. F. 46. Op. 1. D. 40.
  7. TsDNIRO. F. 7. Op. 1. D. 14, 385, 413, 606, 607, 874, 925, 927, 982.

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