Russian Church Policy in Syria in the 19th Century: Main Tendencies and Dynamics of Its Development

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article is focused on the main tendencies of Russian policy in the Patriarchate of Antioch during the 19th century. Following the traditional support of Orthodoxy, in the situation of concurrence of the Great Powers in the Middle East Russia had to make a revision of the old methods of policy. The journey of Archimandrite Porfirii Uspenskii in 1843 and the foundation of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem in 1847 were aimed at strengthening of Russian positions in the region. The conflicts between the nations in the end of the 1850s and he struggle of the Arabs for church and national independence forced he Russian diplomacy to support them against the Greeks. The struggle ended in the election of an Arab Patriarch at the Antiochian see. The activities of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society for foundation of schools for the Orthodox Arabs as well as financing of the schools of the Patriarchate created a strong base for national education. The peak of Russian influence in Syria is in the beginning of the 20s century: at that time the sums for material support increase enormously. As a whole it was in Syria during the 19th century that Russian policy in the Christian East was most efficient.

KeywordsEastern question, Middle East, church policy, Patriarchate of Antioch, Arab Orthodoxy, Russian foreign policy
Publication date15.09.2021
Number of characters52704
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