The Development of Monastic Terminology and the Legislative Definition of the Monkish Status

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World history RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article deals with the relationship between the development of new appeared monastic terminology and the definition of the status of monasticism by the Church and the early Byzantine state. Or otherwise, it tries to tell when the process of institutionalization began, what vocabulary was used in this process, when the use of the “classical” monastic terminology in laws and canons began, how the emergence of new terminology and the development of status were distributed over time. The study is divided into two parts: monks and nuns. The time frame of the study is the fourth century and the first half of the fifth century. The geographical framework is the Late Roman Empire, mainly its Eastern half. The following conclusions have been drawn: the making of the status of male monasticism occurred a hundred years after its appearance, the laws almost immediately began to use the most common in the papyri and monastic literature term monachus, which gives evidence of the distinct definition of a new social group, but the establishment of the status of female monasticism was extremely slow, the laws and canons practically not using the new terms, which reflects the diversity of female asceticism even in the 5th century.

Keywordsmonastic terminology, the legal status of monks and nuns, μοναχός, μονάζων, ἀσκητής, μονάζουσα, ἀσκήτρια
Publication date21.06.2021
Number of characters58682
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Spisok sokraschenij

ACO CUC — Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum, Concilium universale chalcedonenseCTh — Codex Theodosianus


Система Orphus
