“Print Capitalism in the Global Village”: Information and Communication Aspects of Nation-Building

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The subject of the article is information and communication aspects of the socio-political processes of our time, which in general can be characterized as related to the phenomenon and concept of the nation. The close relationship between modernization in a broad sense, the development of a more or less unified information space and nation-building processes was noted and analyzed back in the 1980s. in the works of representatives of the constructivist trend in sociology and historical science (E. Gellner, B. Anderson, E. Hobsbawm, etc.). It seems that at present there are many grounds for “rechecking” this theory in relation to the current state of mass communications in multicultural societies, including post-Soviet ones. It is suggested that in the current state of the infosphere, the traditional mechanisms of mass information that contributed to the policy of nation states are currently competing, and not always successfully, with the network communities of “national citizenship”. Conclusions are made about how the specificity of this experience influences the formation of national identity, discourse of the nation, as well as images of historical memory.

Keywordsnation, nation state, crisis, nation-building, print capitalism, mass communications, historical memory
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared at the State Academic University for the Humanities within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (topic № FZNF-2020-0014 “Modern information society and digital science: cognitive, economic, political and legal aspects”).
Publication date27.12.2021
Number of characters16223
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