Formation of the Art Collection of Alexander III in the Anichkov Palace

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

Based on unpublished sources, the article examines the history of the formation of the art collection of Emperor Alexander III, mainly localized in the Anichkov and Alexander palaces. Particular attention in the text of the article is drawn to plots related to motivational and artistic preferences that existed in the family of Alexander III; plots related to the acquisition of art collections of Kokorev and Bazilevich; history of the formation of the collection of sculpture; attention is drawn to the peculiarities of expert evaluation and financing of purchased paintings; the order of their cataloging; the design of the presentation space, which received the name of the Museum of the Anichkov Palace. After the death of his father, Emperor Nicholas II made his personal art collection the core of the public accessible Russian Museum, thereby implementing one of the largest socio-cultural projects in the Russian Empire, conceived by Alexander III.

KeywordsAlexander III, Maria Feodorovna, Bogolyubov, collections, Exhibitions, Wanderers, financing, museum
Publication date28.02.2021
Number of characters43719
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