Methods of Putting Forward Alternative Historical Hypotheses in Science and Beyond: Philosophical and Methodological Analysis

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article deals with the counter-factual modeling of the past. One of the methodological directions of improving this approach is being studied. The methods of putting forward alternative historical hypotheses are revealed. It is stated that hypotheses should be distinguished within the framework of Alternate History. For this purpose, a level approach is taken from the philosophy. The following levels of Alternate History are distinguished: personalistic, event-based, and factor-based. It is shown that each level has a certain set of methods for proposing alternative hypotheses. The features of the application of these means of cognition in the framework of counter-factual modeling of the past are fixed.

Keywordshistorical knowledge, alternative historical hypotheses, counter-factual historical modeling, Alternate history, the levels of Alternate history
Publication date27.12.2021
Number of characters30040
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