Petrarch about the Practices of Emperors’ Power, Pope, Signors of the 14th Сentury (the Treatise “De Remediis Utriusque Fortunae”)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Sobinov Saratov State Conservatoire
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow; Saratov
Journal nameISTORIYA

With the beginning of the 21th century, interest in Petrarch (1304—1374) as the author of Latin treatises increased: texts are read in a different way, new contextual data and facts are given, and new questions are raised. But a systemic study of Petrarch’s perception of authorities practices is not available yet. The main source of the article is “Phisicke Against Fortune” (“De remediis utriusque fortunae”, 1354—1366) treatise. The analysis of his dialogues revealed that he clearly sees and condemns the unjust actions of the cities government, social tensions, hatred, and the causes of civil wars. For Petrarch, the practices of government are important not in form, but in content. The carriers of pan-European church power — popes are condemned more than the carriers of the secular power — imperators. It looks like a protest — Petrarch distances from the governors. Criticism, sharp public conversation with high authorities through characters of dialogues show independence of the position of the humanist, faith in the power of the public word.

KeywordsPolitical position of Petrarch, authorities of Italian cities, Avignon pope, German emperors, political practices of the XIV century, “Phisicke Against Fortune” treatise
Publication date31.10.2020
Number of characters31296
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