“Past Colonial Heritage” in Algerian-French Relationship: Curse of the Past or Hope for the Future?

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: MGIMO University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article deals with historical, cultural and pshychological factors of mutual influence and mutual repulsion of Algerian and French identity (civil, cultural, ethnical, religious), as they were formulated during long-term and ambiguous period of colonial appropriation of Algeria by France (1830—1962). The typical features of colonial rule system in Algeria and its impact on the traditional society are reviewed, as well as evolution of nature and visible forms of reciprocal claims, typical for Arab-Muslim population of Algeria and the “Algerian Europeans”. The study explores the historical and cultural background of exceptional atrocities, commited by both sides in the course of National Liberation War, 1954—1962. Special attention is paid to the analysis of current issues of franco-algerian relations (problem of penitence for the crimes of colonial epoque, destiny of former colonists and soldiers of Algerian auxiliary troops etc.). The relationship of importance of these problems in the ideological area of both countries, in the sphere of political mobilization and vocabulary of official rhetoric of France and Algeria is also outlined. 

Keywordsethnohistorical consciousness, colonialism, modernization, cultural originality, nationalism, Algeria-France relations
Publication date14.12.2020
Number of characters83800
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