Tradition and ideology of the human legal status in Russian constitutionalism

Publication type Article
Status Approved
Affiliation: State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation,
Occupation: Dean of the Faculty of Law
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In the contemporary context, the pursuit of ideological and historical integrity, as well as the continuity of domestic constitutionalism and the sovereign constitutional ideal, should primarily be oriented towards understanding humanity within the civilizational expanse of Russian statehood, in the nationally-specific context of the spiritual-moral and sociocultural environment. Overcoming the aggressive mythologies of individualistic liberalism, which have led to a value-based and worldview schism and are contributing to the evolving crisis in Western legal tradition, requires not merely a critical approach (while avoiding the risks of sliding into fanatical negativism) but a constructive, creatively generative approach. This involves identifying and elucidating the distinctive philosophical-ethical foundations of Russian constitutional humanism. Recognizing the scale and nature of the issues under discussion, the authors primarily focus on the ideological aspects of updating the constitutional model of human legal status from the perspective of the identity of domestic constitutionalism. It is argued that, in terms of value-based worldviews and methodology, it is crucial to shift the focus of the discussion around the legal status of the individual towards the foundational principles of ethical-legal obligation, and consequently, towards identifying and systematizing the subjective duties and obligations associated with spiritual-moral imperatives.

KeywordsRussian constitutionalism; freedom; duty; traditional spiritual and moral values; socio-cultural conditionality of law; constitutional identity; crisis of democracy
Number of characters42905
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