On the crisis of Russian criminal law (re-reading A.E. Zhalinsky)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Saratov State Law Academy
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 9

The author discusses two types of crisis in Criminal Law: on the one hand, the crisis of criminal law doctrine, which has already been sufficiently investigated, on the other - the crisis of Criminal Law itself, which Professor A.E. Zhalinsky was one of the first to write about, highlighting its (crisis) social and legal signs. Through the analysis of both, using a large illustrative material (economic, statistical, doctrinal), the author comes to the conclusion that Criminal Law is currently in a state of crisis, while different crisis signs have different degrees of severity.

Keywordscrisis of Criminal Law, legislative inflation, expansion of the subject of criminal law impact, abuse of Criminal Law, decrease in the level of lawmaking
Publication date29.09.2023
Number of characters53886
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