Features of the regulatory regulation of the implementation of the right of citizens to appeal in foreign countries (comparative legal research)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department of General Jurisprudence of the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Legal Regulation of the Russian State Social University
Affiliation: Russian State Social University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 9

In the article, the author conducted a comparative analysis between the legislative approaches of various states on the functioning and development of the institution of citizens’ appeals. According to the results of the study, conclusions were drawn about some differences and similarities of regulatory prescriptions that regulate the procedure for the exercise of citizens’ rights to appeal. The weak and strong aspects of the implementation of the affected right are noted, taking into account the various ways of transferring the appeal from the applicant to the object of its receipt. Separately, touches on the issue of such a concept as “petition”, describes its properties and features of submission, as well as the legislative norms of its use in the context of building a model of interaction between a citizen and the state (public authorities). The author formulated specific proposals to amend Article 33 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals of citizens of the Russian Federation”.

Keywordspetition, appeal, institute of appeals, complaint, public authority, appeals of citizens, legislation of foreign countries, collective appeals, right to appeal, statement, proposal, complaint, critical remark, memorandum, petition, accusation, guarantees of constitutionalism, foreign experience, constitutional guarantees, democracy
Publication date29.09.2023
Number of characters39410
100 rub.
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