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3. Vorms A.E. Bill forms. M., 1914. P. 19 (in Russ.).
4. Digests of Justinian / transl. from Latin. Vol. 1: Books 1 - 4 / res. ed. L.L. Kofanov. M., 2002. P. 584 (in Russ.).
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6. Korkunov N.M. Lectures on the General theory of law. SPb., 2003. P. 151 (in Russ.).
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11. Rybalov A.O. Potestative rights // Law. 2008. No. 7. P. 132 (in Russ.).
12. Taranovsky F.V. Encyclopedia of law: textbook for university students studying law specialties. SPb., 2001. P. 135 (in Russ.).
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14. Yavich L.S. General theory of law. L., 1976. P. 186 (in Russ.).
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