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6. Mal’ko A.V., Kostyukov A.N., Krotkova N.V. Legal policy in modern Russia: actual problems of theory and practice (Review of the materials of the “Round Table”) // State and Law. 2019. No. 6. P. 130 - 137. DOI: 10.31857/S013207690005270-9 (in Russ.).
7. Mal’ko A.V., Krotkova N.V., Ishekov K.A. Legal policy in the subjects of the Russian Federation (Review of the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, which took place in the form of the “Round Table”, journals “State and Law” and “Legal policy and legal life”) // State and Law. 2017. No. 3. P. 105 - 119 (in Russ.).
8. Mal’ko A.V., Krotkova N.V., Stromov V. Yu., Trofimov V.V. Legal policy as a way of organizing the social and legal life of the subjects of the Russian Federation: theory and practice (Review of materials of the All-Russian Scientific of the “Round Table” (with international participation) of the journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Actual problems of state and law” and the scientific and educational yearbook “State and legal research”) // State and Law. 2019. No. 10. P. 188 - 201. DOI: 10.31857/S013207690007214-7 (in Russ.).
9. Mal’ko A.V., Krotkova N.V., Stromov V. Yu., Trofimov V.V., Samorodov V. Yu. Legal life of modern society: negative and positive (Review of the materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of the journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life” and the scientific and educational yearbook “State and legal research”) // State and Law. 2020. No. 8. P. 115 - 126. DOI: 10.31857/S102694520011033-7 (in Russ.).
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