Property law in the reflection of foreign Civil Law

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the Department of Civil Law, Kuban State University
Affiliation: Kuban State University
Address: Russian Federation, Krasnodar, Aksayskaya str., 40/1, sq. 28
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 12

The active search for the regularities of the development of real-legal relations to complete the modernization of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation makes the comparative legal analysis of the institutions of foreign real law with domestic analogues relevant. The author, based on the publications of foreign civilists, presents a new look at the understanding of property law, which connected civil law with geometry. Presents the results of the search for a new essence of property rights and the periodization of its social growth. In the orbit of attention is the search for new solutions for the civil status of animals, which is becoming more and more independent in comparison with inanimate objects, as well approaches to understanding the rights to human biological material. Finally, the author expresses his opinion about new opportunities for the development of such ancient property rights as easements and emphyteusis in modern economic realities.

Keywordscivil legislation, property law, limited property rights, property right, easement, emphyteusis, good faith, justice, objects of civil rights
Publication date22.12.2022
Number of characters36769
100 rub.
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