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1. Agarkov M.M. Limitation period // Arbitration. 1938. No. 9-10. P. 32 (in Russ.).
2. Alexandrovsky S.S. Civil Code: in questions and answers / under the general editorship of F.I. Wolfson. M., 1929. P. 28 (in Russ.).
3. Barats S.M. Course of bill law in connection with the doctrine of bills and bill transactions. SPb., 1893. P. 477–488 (in Russ.).
4. Baron Yu. The system of Roman Civil Law. Issue 3. Book IV: Law of obligations / transl. from the 5th German ed. L. Petrazhitsky. 2nd ed. (corrected on the 9th German ed.). SPb., 1899. P. 54 (in Russ.).
5. Bakhchisaraytsev Kh. E. Responsibility of state-owned enterprises for obligations in connection with the relocation of industry in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War // Issues of Civil and Labor Law of the period of the Great Patriotic War. Scientific notes of the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences of the People’s Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. M., 1944. Issue III. P. 61 - 82 (in Russ.).
6. Bekin A.V. Suspensions as a means of legal regulation: theoretical aspect // Actual problems of Rous. law. 2015. No. 9. P. 25 (in Russ.).
7. Belyaev I.D. Lectures on the history of Russian legislation. 2nd ed. M., 1888. P. 417, 429 (in Russ.).
8. Belyatskin S.A. Civil turnover and war. Pg., 1915 (in Russ.).
9. Belyatskin S.A. Civil turnover, irresistible force and war // Herald of Civil Law. 1915. No. 3. P. 47 - 86 (in Russ.).
10. Belyatskin S.A. Private Law in basic principles (Course of Civil Law). Kaunas, 1928. P. 398 (in Russ.).
11. Bratus S.N. Some questions of the science of Civil Law and judicial practice in civil cases during the Patriotic War // Social legality. 1944. No. 11. P. 30 - 37 (in Russ.).
12. Bratus S.N., Orlovsky P.E. The meaning of a reference to the circumstances of wartime in cases of transportation // Social legality. 1942. No. 11 - 12. P. 11 - 15 (in Russ.).
13. Butovsky A.N. Limits of the “judicial moratorium” (A.G. Goykhbargu’s answer) // Law. Weekly legal newspaper. 1915. No. 7. P. 425 - 435 (in Russ.).
14. Butovsky A.N. Suspension of proceedings on the occasion of military operations // Herald of Civil Law. 1914. No. 7. P. 71 - 91 (in Russ.).
15. Vavin N.G. Regulations on bills of exchange: scientific and practical. comment. 2nd ed., reprint. and additional. M., 1927. P. 109, 123, 167 (in Russ.).
16. Windsheid B. On obligations under Roman law / transl. from it. ed. and with the editor’s note-the publisher of the “Judicial Herald” A.B. Dumashevsky. SPb., 1875. P. 59, 60 (in Russ.).
17. Vitryansky V.V. Legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy) in the CIS countries: ways of improvement and convergence: materials of International Conferences in St. Petersburg and Bremen / under the general editorship of M.M. Boguslavsky and R. Kniper. Berlin, 1998. P. 211 - 221 (in Russ.).
18. Vitryansky V.V. New legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy) // Economy and law. 1998. No. 3. P. 38 - 48 (in Russ.).
19. Vladimirsky-Budanov M.F. Review of the history of Russian law. 7th ed. Pg.; Kiev, 1915. P. 599, 600 (in Russ.).
20. Worms A.E. Moratorium // Herald of Law. 1914. No. 31. P. 941–944 (in Russ.).
21. Gabov A.V. Irresistible force, coronavirus and decisions of authorities aimed at preventing its spread // Law. 2020. No. 5. P. 152–171 (in Russ.).
22. Gabov A.V. Legal means of countering the COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian Federation // Constitution and human rights: modern doctrine and practice / ed. by T.A. Vasilyeva, N.V. Varlamova. M., 2021. P. 271–299 (in Russ.).
23. Gey E.E. The moratorium and its significance in bill law // Journal of the Ministry of Justice. 1915. No. 6. P. 144, 145, 162 (in Russ.).
24. Genkin D.M. The Great Patriotic War and civil law issues // Issues of Civil and Labor Law during the Great Patriotic War. Scientific notes of the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences of the People’s Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. M., 1944. Issue III. P. 3 - 30 (in Russ.).
25. Goykhbarg A.G. Active army or active armies? (About the article by A.N. Butovsky “What is an active army in the civil procedural sense”) // Law. Weekly legal newspaper. 1915. No. 1. P. 11 - 19 (in Russ.).
26. Goykhbarg A.G. More about the judicial moratorium // law. Weekly legal newspaper. 1915. No. 8. P. 521 - 526 (in Russ.).
27. Gordon V.M. Promissory note law: the essence of a promissory note, its drafting, transfer and protest. Kharkov, 1926. P. 107 (in Russ.).
28. Gordon V.M. The Regulation on Bills of Exchange in private codification: the Regulation on Bills of Exchange of 1922 with the inclusion of its later changes with a sub-article summary of official resolutions and explanations related to it with the application of forms of bills of exchange acts. 2nd ed., add. Kharkov, 1926. P. 48, 55 (in Russ.).
29. Civil legalizations of wartime. Pg., 1915. P. 3, 4, 11, 12 - 19, 25, 26, 31–33 (in Russ.).
30. The Civil Code of the Soviet Republics / text and practice. comment. ed. by Al. Malitsky. 2nd ed. Kharkov, 1925. P. 61, 62 (in Russ.).
31. Civil Law. Vol. I / ed. P.E. Orlovsky, S.M. Korneev. M., 1969. P. 247 (in Russ.).
32. Actions of the Provisional Government // Journal of the Ministry of Justice. 1917. No. 2 - 3. P. 18 - 50 (in Russ.).
33. Government actions // Law. Weekly legal newspaper. 1916. No. 16. P. 971, 972; No. 20. P. 1216 (in Russ.).
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35. Documents of the Foreign policy of the USSR. Vol. 1: November 7, 1917 – December 31, 1918. M., 1957. P. 170, 186 (in Russ.).
36. Elyashevich V.B. War and civil turnover (On the issue of moratoriums). Pg., 1914. P. 2, 19 (in Russ.).
37. Zeyder N.B. Suspension of civil proceedings in wartime conditions // Issues of Civil and Labor Law during the Great Patriotic War. Scientific notes of the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences of the People’s Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. M., 1944. Issue III. P. 196 - 200 (in Russ.).
38. Ioffe O.S. Soviet Civil Law. M., 1967. P. 337 (in Russ.).
39. Isachenko V.V. Strange measure // Law. Weekly legal newspaper. 1915. No. 48. P. 3077 - 3079 (in Russ.).
40. Kaminka A.I. Moratorium // Law. Weekly legal newspaper. 1914. No. 31. P. 2318 - 2323 (in Russ.).
41. Kantorovich Ya. A. War and fulfillment of obligations // Journal of the Ministry of Justice. 1917. No. 2 - 3. P. 102 - 154; No. 4. P. 126 - 182; No. 5 - 6. P. 115 - 153 (in Russ.).
42. Kantorovich Ya. A. “Impossibility” of fulfilling obligations // Law. Weekly legal newspaper. Pg., 1916. No. 34 (28 Aug.). P. 1865 - 1875; No. 35. P. 1914 - 1919; No. 36. P. 1950 - 1960 (in Russ.).
43. Kantorovich Ya. A. The impossibility of fulfilling obligations (From the field of theory) // Herald of the Soviet justice. 1925. No. 4. P. 155 - 157 (in Russ.).
44. Kantorovich Ya. A. Impossibility of fulfilling obligations under the Civil Code // Herald of the Soviet justice. 1925. No. 5. P. 197, 198 (in Russ.).
45. Karelina S.A. Moratorium on satisfaction of creditors’ claims as an element of the recovery mechanism // Law and Economics. 2008. No. 6. P. 52 - 58 (in Russ.).
46. Kosmacheva T.K. Interim restoration measures at the stage of external management // Lawyer. 2010. No. 4. P. 40–46 (in Russ.).
47. Krilichevsky S.A. Questions of the moratorium // Law. Weekly legal newspaper. 1914. No. 42. P. 2853 - 2858 (in Russ.).
48. Malyshev K.I. Historical sketch of the competitive process. SPb., 1871. P. 29, 78, 330, 449, 450 (in Russ.).
49. Markalova N.G. Public aspects of the Agency’s activities for restructuring credit institutions within the powers defined by law // Herald of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. 2001. No. 9. P. 92 - 102 (in Russ.).
50. Martyshina T.K. Restorative measures in the framework of insolvency (bankruptcy): abstract ... PhD in Law. M., 2010. P. 13, 24 (in Russ.).
51. Meychik D.M. Moratorium for timber producers // Herald of Civil Law. 1916. No. 8. P. 136 - 145 (in Russ.).
52. Milovidov N.A. Promissory note law. Yaroslavl, 1876. P. 175 - 178 (in Russ.).
53. Mints S.V. Contractual obligations in wartime conditions // Issues of Civil and Labor Law during the Great Patriotic War. Scientific notes of the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences of the People’s Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. M., 1944. Issue III. P. 83 - 96 (in Russ.).
54. Mordukhay-Boltovsky I.D. The law of April 6, 1915 on deferral and installment of obligations and court decisions // Journal of the Ministry of Justice. 1915. No. 5. P. 113–184 (in Russ.).
55. Nevolin K.A. History of Russian civil laws. Vol. 3: The second book on property. Section three on the rights to the actions of persons and section four on inheritance. SPb., 1851. P. 127 (in Russ.).
56. Insolvency (bankruptcy): studies course: in 2 vols / ed. by S.A. Karelina. M., 2019. Vol. 1. P. 680, 681 (in Russ.).
57. Novitsky I.B. Transactions. Statute of limitations. M., 1954. P. 184, 185 (in Russ.).
58. On the procedure for applying a judicial moratorium to a Red Army soldier: from the activities of the People’s Commissariat of Justice, the practice of supreme judicial control // Weekly Soviet justice. 1922. No. 14 - 15. P. 2 (in Russ.).
59. Definitions of the Civil Cassation Board of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR for 1925. M., 1925. Issue I. P. 95, 96 (in Russ.).
60. Orlovsky P.E. Fulfillment of contractual obligations in conditions of war // Social legality. 1942. No. 3 - 4. P. 10 - 12 (in Russ.).
61. Pigolkin A.S. Preparation of draft regulations (Organization and methodology). M., 1968. P. 158 (in Russ.).
62. Pigolkin A.S. Legal terminology and ways of its improvement // Scientific notes of All-Union Research Institute of Soviet Legislation. M., 1971. Issue. 24. P. 30 (in Russ.).
63. Pirvits E.E. The meaning of guilt, chance and force majeure in Civil Law. SPb., 1895 (in Russ.).
64. Popov B.V. Limitation period (Text and comment. to Articles 44 - 51 of the Civil Code of the RSFSR). M., 1926. P. 18 (in Russ.).
65. Draft Civil Code of the USSR (second preliminary version). M., 1940 (in Russ.).
66. Pustovalova E. Yu. The fate of creditors’ claims in the bankruptcy of the debtor. M., 2003. P. 120 (in Russ.).
67. Raevich S.I. Civil Law of the bourgeois-capitalist world in its historical development. 1789 - 1926: France, Italy, Poland, Holland, Romania, Russian Empire, Austria, Germany, Switzerland. M., L., 1929. P. 273 (in Russ.).
68. Rozenberg M.G. Limitation of actions in international commercial turnover: practice of application. M., 1999. P. 44 (in Russ.).
69. Sinaysky V.I. Russian Civil Law. Issue II: Compulsory, Family and Inheritance Law. 2nd ed., rev. and add. Kiev, 1918. P. 38–40 (in Russ.).
70. Soviet Civil Law: in 2 vols. Vol. 1 / ed. by O.A. Krasavchikov. M., 1968. P. 289, 513 (in Russ.).
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72. Soviet Civil Law. Vol. I / ed. V.P. Gribanov, S.M. Korneev. M., 1979. P. 541 (in Russ.).
73. Stuchka P.I. Course of Soviet Civil Law. II: The General part of Civil Law. M., 1929. P. 333 (in Russ.).
74. Suvorov D.E. Bankruptcy in the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation for 2014 - 2020: Encyclopedia of legal positions. M., 2021. Issue 4. P. 250 - 259 (in Russ.).
75. Suvorov D.E. Judicial Bankruptcy Law. M., 2020. P. 223 - 239 (in Russ.).
76. Tokarev V.S. More about the judicial moratorium for the ranks of the army // Law. Weekly legal newspaper. 1915. No. 18. P. 1318 - 1321 (in Russ.).
77. Fedorov A.F. Promissory note Law. Odessa, 1906. P. 508, 509 (in Russ.).
78. Tsitovich P.P. Course of Promissory note Law. Kiev, 1887. P. 9, 278 (in Russ.).
79. Tsitovich P.P. Obligations under Russian Civil Law. Lecture notes; publication of students. Kiev, 1894. P. 9 (in Russ.).
80. Shakaryan M.S. On some issues arising in law enforcement activities in connection with the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2001 No. 10-P // Lawyer. 2001. No. 8. P. 19 - 23 (in Russ.).
81. Shershenevich G.F. Promissory note Law. SPb., 1909. P. 125 (in Russ.).
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83. Shershenevich G.F. The doctrine of insolvency. Kazan, 1890. P. 100 (in Russ.).
84. Schneyder N. Promissory note moratoriums 1905. From the point of view of legislative technique // Journal of the Ministry of Justice. 1906. No. 6. P. 199 - 235 (in Russ.).
85. Entelis G.K. On the issue of promissory note moratoriums // Revolutionary legality. 1926. No. 13 - 14. P. 25 - 27 (in Russ.).
86. Yablochkov T.M. The concept of “irresistible force” in Civil Law // Legal notes published by the Demidovsky Legal Lyceum. Yaroslavl, 1911. Issue II–III (VIII–IX). P. 271 - 321 (in Russ.).
87. Yaichkov K.K. The meaning of the reference to war in a civil case // Issues of Civil and Labor Law of the Great Patriotic War period. Scientific notes of the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences of the People’s Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. M., 1944. Issue III. P. 31 - 43 (in Russ.).
88. Yaichkov K.K. Disputes about transportation in wartime // Social legality. 1944. No. 7 - 8. P. 12 - 15 (in Russ.).