Collective and individual cognition in the activity of a law enforcer

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Civil Law Department of the North-West Branch of the Russian State University of Justice
Affiliation: Russian State University of Justice
Address: Saint Petersburg, 5 Alexandrovsky Park, 197046, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Occupation: Head of the Civil Law Department of the North-West Branch of the Russian State University of Justice
Affiliation: Russian State University of Justice
Address: 5 Alexandrovsky Park, 197046, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 12

It is noted that legal and cognitive sciences underestimate the importance of the factor of individual analysis of materials by the judge-rapporteur and the degree of its influence on the adoption of the final procedural decision in the collegial consideration of the case. At the same time, the thesis has not been formulated in relation to the field of law, according to which the sole consideration of cases by the courts is within the scope of most of the laws of collective cognition of reality. The activity of the law enforcer related to decision-making is based not only on the analysis of the law and the circumstances of the incident, but also on their interpretations by the persons involved in the case. This means that the cognition of reality by the court is not only collective, but also multi-stage, multilevel, mediated. The connection of the outcome of the case with the subjective assessment of the events by its participants and the proposed versions of what happened, on the one hand, and the emergence of a new scientific paradigm in cognitive neuroscience and epistemology, in which knowledge of the world is considered as the fruit of collective activity, raises the question of the need to clarify the scientific and practical understanding of the legal principle of the immediacy of judicial proceedings, including in order to clarify the status of the judge-speaker, other speakers of cases within the framework of existing procedures.

Keywordsjudicial practice, cognitive sciences, cognitive psychology, judge-speaker, interdisciplinary research, nomenclature of scientific specialties, non-professional judges, trial by jury, court of sheffens, innovations of law
Publication date22.12.2022
Number of characters19697
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