“Lightning-fast” codification of Civil Law in Belgium: Civil Code 2020

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Director
Affiliation: Institute for Legal History, University of Ghent
Address: Belgium,
Occupation: post-doctoral researcher
Affiliation: Institute for Legal History, University of Ghent
Address: Belgium
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIsuue 11

The present article covers the codification of Civil Law in Belgium, which has in record time led to the enactment of several books of the new 2020 Civil Code. The article expounds the background and the plan for the new Civil Law codification in Belgium, the system and drafting methods of the Civil Code, as well as its future perspectives. The article offers insight into the example of a “recodification” process in the private law domain of an early 21st century West European state.

KeywordsCivil law, Civil Code, Belgium, codification, legal history, law of obligations, Family Law
AcknowledgmentThe basis for this article was the article by D. Heirbaut “Blitzkrieg codification: the 2020 Belgian Civil Code”, forthcoming in: Graziadei M., Zhang L. (eds.) The Writing of Civil Code (Springer, Germany). The authors of the article supplemented it with new information and notes and adapted it for the Russian reader.
Publication date03.12.2021
Number of characters79807
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