XV International scientific and practical conference "Legal acts and legal contracts: problems of theory and practice" and the scientific of the "Round Table" "Legal science as a socio-cultural institute: intensification of human, methodological and theoretical potential"

Publication type Review
Status Published
Occupation: Leading research fellow, sector of Constitutional Law and Constitutional justice, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-Editor-in-Chief of journal “State and Law” of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Affiliation: The Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 9

On April 20 - 22, 2021, the XV International scientific and practical conference "Legal acts and legal contracts: problems of theory and practice" was held at the Russian State University of Justice, and the “Round Table” "Legal science as a socio-cultural institute: intensification of personnel, methodological and theoretical potential" was held within its framework.

Unfortunately, legal contracts and legal acts are very rarely analyzed in the specialized literature. At the conference, some controversial problems of comparative analysis of legal contracts and legal acts were voiced.

The development and formation of legal norms in Russian legislation is closely related to the activities of judicial bodies. The participants of the event touched upon such issues as legal methods for improving the efficiency of judicial activity, etc.

Within the framework of the scientific “Round Table”, it was noted that the problems of the methodology of scientific research in the field of legal sciences are traditionally among the little-studied, but very relevant problems of jurisprudence. In order to determine the main and effective problems of the methodology of legal science, it is advisable to organize a permanent seminar on topical problems of the methodology of legal research with the participation of leading methodologists of legal science on the basis of a leading law university of the country using modern Internet technologies.

The opinion was expressed that an effective means of intensifying legal science can be the rejection from the positivist doctrine of law that prevails in modern educational and scientific legal literature.

Attention is also drawn to the fact that the problem of training scientific and pedagogical personnel is becoming particularly relevant. Only a highly professional, creative team of Russian lawyers is able to eliminate the distortions and imperfections of modern Russian legal science. The “Round Table” also considered the problems of the unity of legal science; the factors that hinder the development of the course "history and methodology of legal science" by undergraduates, and ways to overcome them; the methodology of the study of legal regulation in modern legal science; the use of a sociological approach to law in legal science and other issues.

Keywordsconference, "Round Table", legal acts, legal contracts, legal science, socio-cultural institute, intensification of personnel, methodological and theoretical potential
Publication date29.09.2021
Number of characters92401
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