Once again about law and wrong, or why legal life is called legal

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Saratov state law Academy
Address: Saratov, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Derzhavin Tambov state University
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: senior researcher
Affiliation: Saratov branch at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 10

The heuristic value for the science of the theory of law of the category “legal life” is substantiated. The volume of the limiting concept of legal life is revealed, which, unlike many other claiming to the status of “marginal” legal categories (such as the «legal system»), realistically and reliably allows covering the entire conceivable complex of static and dynamic legal phenomena, including different  polar legal phenomena that have not only positive, but also negative indicators. It is established that in the framework of legal life there are both positive, legitimate (law), and negative, unlawful (wrong) legal phenomena, the ideas about which in total give a full understanding of the picture of the existence of law, the laws of movement and self-development of the phenomenon of “legal”.

Keywordslegal life, society, legal science, doctrine, legal system, law, positive legal phenomena, unlaw, negative law, lawful, unlawful, law obedience, law violations.
Publication date16.11.2020
Number of characters39030
100 rub.
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