On the relationship of legal science, family law and goal-setting of the state using the term "civil marriage" as an example

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Independent researcher
Address: Russian Federation, Kislovodsk
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 6

The article presents a version of the emergence of the term "civil marriage" meaning cohabitation, which in legal science has the meaning of state marriage. It is proposed to distinguish the two existing meanings of the term "civil marriage", to introduce the term into legislation. The influence of the term on social processes is considered. The questions are posed: on the need to create legislative incentives to strengthen the institution of marriage, and to develop a comprehensive state approach in order to form in the minds the desire for large families as the main task of the state.

Keywordsmarriage, cohabitation, actual marriage, actual marital relations, state marriage, religiosity, demography
Publication date23.06.2020
Number of characters46051
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