Administrative prejudice in modern criminal proceedings: theory and practice

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation; the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, First Vice-Chairman of the State Construction and Legislation Committee
Affiliation: State Duma of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 1

Administrative prejudice in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation appeared 10 years ago. Today, in the Criminal Code there are 13 such articles. Their application causes many questions from theorists and practitioners. The analyzed institute contradicts many principles of the Russian criminal procedure: the person bear responsibility for the first offense twice - primarily administrative, and then criminal responsibility; despite to the assertions of supporters of administrative prejudice it is not aimed at humanization of criminal law, but at strengthening its repressiveness; the first act is not investigated during preliminary investigation and is not explored in court; the military personnel of the Russian Federation and other persons with special ranks (about 2.5 million people in total) are not liable under the articles of the Criminal Code with administrative prejudice, this violates the principle of equality of all before the law.

The conclusions set forth in the article were formed during the debates on this issue, which were conducted under the author’s initiative for the last eight years while discussing relevant bills in profile committees and at plenary sessions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The proposal is made, if not to exclude these rules of administrative prejudice from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, then at least to exclude the prejudice of court decisions on cases of administrative offenses from article 90 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

The question of introducing such a bill will be resolved by the author, who is the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, according to the comments on this publication, which may come from readers of this journal.

Keywordsprejudice, humanization of criminal law, insignificance of an act in criminal law, equality of all before the law, concept of guilt in criminal law, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Publication date02.02.2020
Number of characters20963
100 rub.
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